With my eight year old son, we just read The Kingdom Didn't Fall
by Meir Baram, a novel about the destruction of the Second Temple. It is very age-appropriate, with lots of adventures and not too much graphic content.
For myself, I’m reading Herod -- The Man Who Had to Be King
by Yehuda Shulewitz. It’s a novel about King Herod and his reign, towards the end of the Second Temple era. I’ve only read the first few chapters so far, but it’s thoroughly researched and has real, relatable characters.
Another book on my list is Sisters Under Siege - A Novel Set During The War Of 1948
by Leah Gebber. My daughter read it and liked it, though she says that it’s sad.
Do you have any relevant books to recommend? We are always looking for good child-friendly books for the Three Weeks.